Saturday, April 17, 2010

Hukuman berat mampu membendung masalah pembuangan bayi

Permasaalahan pembuangan bayi yang kian meruncing di Negara ini adalah sesuatu perkara yang amat mendukacitakan bagi sesebuah Negara Islam. Malah, Kebiasaannya, mereka yang terlibat dalam jenayah itu adalah dari orang Melayu yang beragama Islam. Hanya pasangan yang belum berkahwin sahaja yang tergamak membuang bayi, dimana mereka ingin menutup malu ataupun tidak mahu menangung beban untuk menjaga bayi tidakkan mudah diambil iaitu buang bayi. Mungkin hukuman yang ada sekarang ini masih belum cukup menakutkan mereka. Tetapi tidak sedarkah mereka akan tindakan yang mereka lakukan ini dengan balasan yang akan menimpa mereka kelak.

Berhubung dengan hukuman syariah yang menyatakan mana-mana lelaki atau perempuan yang melakukan zina sekiranya disabitkan kesalahan boleh didenda tidak melebihi RM5000, atau dipenjara selama tiga tahun atau disebat tidak melebihi enam kali sebatan atau mana-mana kombinasi hukuman itu. Begitu juga dengan hukuman yang diletakkan bagi seorang wanita yang melahirkan anak yang cukup sifat dalam tempoh kurang enam bulan qamariah daripada tarikh pernikahannya atau hamil luar nikah akibat persetubuhan. Cuma jumlah hukuman penjara tidak melebihi tiga tahun. Malah, jarang sekali kita lihat seseorang itu disabitkan kesalahan berikut jika dibandingkan dengan jenayah yang berlaku.

Gambar dari:Google

Apakah hukuman yang diletakkan mahkamah syariah ini berpatutan dengan jenayah yang mereka lakukan? Dimanakah letaknya nilai kemanusiaan sekiranya nilai nyawa bayi yang teraniaya dibayar dengan wang ringgit sahaja? Menurut statistik yang diperoleh dari Ibu Pejabat Polis Bukit Aman, kes pembuangan bayi dari tahun 2000 hingga 2006 adalah seramai 580 bayi.
Manakala, statistik yang diperoleh dari Jabatan Pendaftaran Negara pula menyatakan seramai 257,411 sijil pendaftaran kelahiran anak tidak sah taraf dicatatkan dari tahun 2000 hingga julai 2008.

Gambar dari:Google

Jumlah yang dicatatkan ini amatlah membimbangkan kerana ia kian bertambah dari masa ke semasa. Ini membuktikan mereka semakin berani menentang undang-undang yang sedia ada. Hanya sekiranya kita mempraktikkan hukuman Islam yang sebenar iaitu Hudud dalam sistem perundangan syariah Malaysia maka jenayah ini dapat ditangani. Hukum hudud bagi pesalah zina yang sudah berkahwin adalah rejam dengan batu sehingga mati dari empat penjuru dengan seluruh badan mereka ditimbus dengan tanah. Penzina yang belum berkahwin pula disebat sebanyak 100 kali dikhalayak ramai. Kes pembuangan bayi pula boleh menyebabkan seseorang itu dianggap sebagai pembunuh dan hukuman yang dikenakan bagi pembunuh ialah qisas dimana hukuman yang dijatuhkan adalah dibalas dengan bunuh juga.

Hukuman Hudud ini sebenarnya bukan sesuatu yang kejam seperti yang dinyatakan oleh sesetengah pihak. Hukum hudud adalah bersifat mencegah dari mengubati. Hal ini kerana tiada siapa yang berani untuk menghadapi hukuman tersebut dan mereka pastinya akan mengelakkan diri dari terjebak ke lembah yang boleh membinasakan diri mereka. Hukuman ini juga akan dijadikan pengajaran kerana setiap hukuman hudud dilakukan dikhalayak ramai. Oleh itu, hukuman ini perlu diaplikasikan kepada seluruh umat manusia, baik kaum muslimin mahupun sebaliknya kerana syariat Islam diturunkan untuk seluruh manusia. Kita sebagai muslim haruslah yakin bahawa undang-undang Allah sahajalah yang akan membawa keharmonian dan berusaha untuk mengakkan syariat Islam dimuka bumi ini.


-the Writer-

Thursday, April 8, 2010

lets GO GREEN!

Why we should GO GREEN? Nowadays, go green is everywhere. Not only in news, advertisement, on the road, toilet, and shopping complex included. It is all great as far as we concerned about our environment.

As globalization makes the world become smaller, it becomes increasingly easy to see how the lives of people, plants, animals and ecosystems which are all of these are closely related with one another. The truth is that every single thing we do every day has an impact on the planet whether it is good or bad. As an individual, you have the power to control most of your choice and the impact that you create. It includes where you live, what product you buy, what stuff you use, what food you eat and others.

But embracing a greener lifestyle isn't just about helping to preserve equatorial rain forests, it can also mean improving your health, and improving your overall quality of life. Here are some tips on how to go green that we can do in our everyday life.

· Real Food :: for the body and the planet::

What does it means and help? By eat seasonal, local and organic foods, we can enjoy fresher, tastier foods and improve our personal health. Organic milk has 68 percent more beneficial Omega-3 fatty acids than conventional milk. Buying local means supporting the local economy and reducing the greenhouse gas emission and energy use for processing. Organic product also full with vitamins and it is a healthy product. No chemical, preservative, colouring, and others. So start a healthy life!

· Woman and Cosmetics

Our skin is the largest organ in our body. It absorbs up to 60% of the product that we put on it every day. The products such as soap, shampoos, sunscreens, foundation, base make up, make up and many more. It can be considering that most of us use about more than 10 different products every day. So, here the tips. Start from today, you can start to choose green personal care product often like plant-based ingredients in place of chemical. It may prevent these chemicals from being absorbed into our skin. Nowadays, you can find the green personal care product everywhere. Here is some suggestion which shop you can grab this product.

The Body Shop

Crab and Tree




Skin food


· Making stuff takes lots and lots (and lots) of energy

Every object that we own like furniture, cloth, bottles and all your stuff comes from somewhere which was has an environmental impact. So, to help mitigate the footprint of your product or material life, choose goods that made from green materials, such as sustainably harvested wood, organic cotton, repurposed or recycled materials. This may help to protect our rainforest, habitat, clean water and biodiversity. It may us to ensure sustainable land-use practice and also to reduce the amount of waste clogging up our landfills. Besides that, we also can help from buying less stuff and second hand stuff to achieve this goal. To those who want to buy new stuff, you can do garage sale for your old stuff so that your old stuff will sustain as its originality and can be use by other peoples.

· Save the flow of electricity

Clean, renewable power is already available to everyone. We use electricity to power our lights, computer, televisions, radio and many more. We can sign up to a renewable energy credits (also known as “green tags”). Through this, you can contribute to our collective capacity for generating more clean power from wind, solar, and other sources and you also can help reduce demand for the energy from more polluting source. Nowadays, there is more electric stuff that can save the amount of electricity flow. For an example, there is green bulb in the market. So change your bulb now!

· Better transportation means less global warming

Car, buses, motorcycles can course pollution. Anytime you choose to walk, ride a bike or take public transportation, you already reduce or totally eliminate the amounts of carbon dioxide and particular emissions created by driving a gas or diesel-powered car. Through this, you'll help slow global warming and help stave off our date with peak oil. You can choose the greener options such as a train over air travel for a long distance trip. It may immensely reduce your carbon footprint. Nowadays, we have hybrid car. So, start using the hybrid car to save our earth!.

· Recycles

Nature recycles everything. So should people. Making proper use of the green, brown and orange recycling bin has become an ironic action. First step is that we reducing the amount of our stuff. Secondly, we finding constructive uses for waste materials. By recycling and reusing, we can reduce the amount of waste that sits in landfills. Recycling also can save energy because we can reduce the electricity from using the machine processing to produce some products. Materials like aluminum and glass can even be recycled or turned into a product of lesser quality.

· Water is NOT a renewable resource

Clean water is the planet's most precious resource and because of the effects of global climate change, our ability to have enough high-quality H2O on hand could likely to change in the near future. Being water conscious help reduce strain on water treatment system and ensure there is enough to go around. Shifting from bottled water can reduce greenhouse gas emissions, the energy required to produce plastic and the volume of waste trucked to our landfills. Water is everything. For electricity flow, our live, and also for a healthy life. So by go green, we can get clean water source.

· Water is NOT a renewable resource

Everybody loves shopping. Some people said, shopping makes them relax, and forget their stress. But have you ever think that through shopping, we also can help our earth and we also can go green. When we go for a shopping, we can bring along our shopping bags. So, from this, whatever stuff u bought, u can put it into your own shopping bags. So the paper bags and plastic bags at that shop will save and that brand can decrease their producing of the paper bags. It may help the environment. Same goes when you want to buy your groceries stuff. You can bring along your picnic bag or shopping bag, and easily put it into your own bag or basket. Now, at every shopping mall, every Saturday they already state that “Saturday is a no plastic bag day” this is the best way for us to save our environment because weekend day is the day that everybody go for a shopping or hang out at the mall. So, go shopping and at the same time, we save our environment!.

Here is the fact that I got from

· 1 pound per hour: the amount of carbon dioxide that is saved from entering the atmosphere for every kilowatt-hour of renewable energy produced.

· 60 percent: the reduction in developmental problems in children in China who were born after a coal-burning power plant closed in 2006.

· 35 percent: the amount of coal's energy that is actually converted to electricity in a coal-burning power plant. The other two-thirds is lost to heat.

· 2.5 percent: the percentage of humans' carbon dioxide emission produced by air travel now, still making it the largest transportation-related greenhouse gas emitter.

· 5 percent: the percentage of the world's carbon dioxide emissions expected to be produced by air travel by the year 2050.

· 1.5 acres: the amount of rainforest lost every second to land development and deforestation, with tremendous losses to habitat and biodiversity.

· 137: the number of plant, animal and insect species lost every day to rainforest deforestation, equating to roughly 50,000 species per year.

· 4 pounds, 6 ounces: the amount of cosmetics that can be absorbed through the skin of a woman who wears makeup every day, over the period of one year.

· 61 percent: the percentage of women's lipstick, out of the 33 tested, found to contain lead in a test by the Campaign for Safe Cosmetics.

· 36: the number of U.S. states that are anticipating local, regional or statewide water shortages by 2013.

· 1 out of 100: the number of U.S. households that would need to be retrofitted with water-efficient appliances to realize annual savings of 100 million kilowatt-hours of electricity and 80,000 tons of greenhouse gas emissions.

· 3 trillion: the number of gallons of water, along with $18 billion, the U.S. would save each year if every household invested in water-saving appliances.

· 64 million tons: the amount of material prevented from going to landfill or incineration thanks to recycling and composting in 1999.

· 95 percent: the amount of energy saved by recycling an aluminum can versus creating the can from virgin aluminum. That means you can make 20 cans out of recycled material with the same amount of energy it takes to make one can out of new material. Energy savings in one year alone are enough to light a city the size of Pittsburgh for six years.

· 113,204: the number, on average, of aluminum cans recycled each minute of each day.

· 3: the number of hours a television set can run on the energy saved from recycling just one aluminum can.

· 40 percent: the percentage of energy saved by recycling newsprint

So, as a conclusion, we as a human being, we have to take care of our earth and environment. From clean environment, we can have better life and healthy life. Environment plays important roles into our life. It produces lots of things like oxygen, water, stuff, and many more. Be a responsibility human being and save our earth from any problem. If the world is healthy so do we. Start a new life and GO GREEN!

*pictures are taken from (image)

the green supporter
(the Writer)